Valentines Day chaos.

In training for Ralph's last week, I was reminded that the company would "like" you to pack far away from the store for 2 fairly obvious reasons. 1, it gives the customers the best spots. 2, your car doesn't get scratched by carts. I think they should be switched around, if I need groceries I'm not going to leave the store parking lot if i can't get a super close spot. Anyway...this has been incredibly ironic for 2 reasons. The first being as I was told this, I was laughing inside because our Saturn may have been in the single closest spot to the car. And second, every day after that I parked my car in the back of the lot and EVERYTIME I've come out for a lunch break or to go home there has been a cart either left right next to my car, or today someone finally let a cart roll up against my car. I don't get frustrated easily, but I felt like throwing the cart up in the middle of the lot and wondering whose sports car it might crush. Actually that was a lie, but really I wasn't thrilled. Therefore, I am putting a foam coating all around my car to avoid scratches and feel good when I touch it. :) Actually, that was a lie too. It would be fun though it would look ridiculous. Californians are used to statements like that though so I should fit right in.

Today I'm going into Panera to fill out some paperwork. Please Lord let me start training on Monday! I can't take how slow they've been its driving me insane.

Also, C.S. Lewis is a genius. I've taken a break from Salvation of Souls and am trying to finish Mere Christianity. I wish I had a way with words like he did, if only I could remember half of the examples he uses for referral but even that seems beyond my intellectual abilities most of the time.

Unfortunately my valentine is 3000 miles away, but almost everyone I ran into at work asked about her soooooo I want her to know I miss her! :)