Busy again...finally!

Today I started my job at Ralph's (Krogers chain on the west coast) as a courtesy clerk. I'll be working the opening shift (round 6-1) and getting about 30 hrs this week since I'm pretty free. Then, after filling some paperwork out at Panera later this week I should be starting training there next Monday or so. Lord willing, soon enough I'll be getting about 50-60 hours a week from both jobs and basically saving my rear end off!

But...last week mom broke her femur and has been in the hospital for about a week now. She had surgery Friday, and it went okay for the most part. There were a few complications w/ her liver meds but they were able to sort it out over the weekend and Lord willing she'll be home within a few days.

Besides prayer for those two semi-major issues in my life pray for the things God's been revealing to me. There's way too much pride and almost every day God shows me a little bit more and other ways I fall short of holiness.

Today it was 80 degrees...and I got cart duty. :D Can you say, I'm lovin' it? Well obviously, I'd rather not be working at all on a day like that, haha. Oh well.... I got paid.

Peace in the middle east.