Oh great, '08!!!

I'm thinking of a great 7's of 2007 list for myself. I've seen these lists all over fellow-blogger's blogs and I feel like jumping on this bandwagon. Unfortunately for you its far too late at night to compose such a list. Perhaps tomorrow.

Coming off of my last post, I gained a lot of great insights from my own scripture reading and feedback from friends on the quote a friend here left with me about being able to live for Christ despite going to hell. I don't know that I honestly could do, though I would strive to. In the end I am thankful God never planned for that to be part of his plan for salvation. And for that, I am eternally grateful. :)

With that said - what's new?

Christmas was great, we had a lovely time with an uncle and one of my moms nurses was able to join us in orange county just hanging out which was great. It's crazy to think that time has already come and gone, but here I am preparing for new years already! Dad left the following day and will be gone in NYC for quite some time. So its just us and mom now. Life will be exciting to say the least. Still no luck on the job hunt, which has been semi-frustrating but alright for now because we have family in for the weekend which has been great. That is one thing I love about being in Cali - family! It's been great to spend time with them again and just laugh! It will be sad once they leave but I'm looking forward to the times ahead while I'm home when I'll see them all again all over California.

For those of you wondering, the rumors are true, Katie and I won't be going back to Boyce this spring. Since dad will be away for so long, we're staying home to take care of mom and save up for future semesters. So, we'll be here at the latest, until this fall and then we'll go back to continue our studies! In the meantime we're looking for full-time or good part-time jobs here and making the most of the time God's given us in a different place we didn't plan on being at for very long. It's been different, but good.

So, my macbook is getting on my nerves. I installed leopard over Christmas and my hard drive was erased. Everything. 80gigs of files and software I can't get back now. Gone. poof. Thank you apple. You made my day. Oh well...after 3 hours of fighting to figure out what was wrong with my computer, I welcome the destruction. It just shows me once again how much I put into material (tho not really material, haha) things. They're all vain in the end. But I did need a lot of that stuff...haha.

Back in the real world, Katie and I are coming back to Boyce to pick up our saturn and DRIVE (yes, I said drive) it back home to cali. That will be a crazy trip to say the least. But we'll be in the Louisville area Friday night, Jan. 18th - so if you're from boyce, keep an eye out! I can't wait to see all you guys and give proper goodbyes, for a time.

Other than that not much else is new. I will try to post more frequent, shorter blurbs now that I have a semi-operating computer again.


Snow, Sweet Tea, and Santa the Stud

Soon after realized I had left the land of sweet tea, I caught myself singing a familiar Christmas song while walking around the local Albertson's. Perhaps it was the lack of sweet tea that had resulted in a memory lapse, but regardless, I found myself singing... "she's making a list, and checking it twice...". Of course I immediately burst into laughter (and I think a few shoppers realized I wasn't exactly a native to California). It reminded me of a clip I saw on the news of one of america's "top doctors" (quotalized for a reason...yes i made that word up) suggesting that Santa needs to lose weight to encourage kids to be healthy. So, not only do I think the idea of a female Santa is ridiculous, a slender, clean shaven, George Clooney resembling Santa is also right out. The point I'm making is not that Santa is what Christmas is about...trust me, all he does is make businesses profit. Christ is what its about, and unfortunately in some instances he is seen the same as Santa. The point is... WHO CARES!!! haha, its SANTA!

Changing subjects... I flew out of Louisville yesterday afternoon with a sweater on and it was pretty warm outside. I went through Chicago and was there for about 2 hours and I got to see snow! And HOLY COW was it cold! :) I loved it. It was so sad to leave the airport, even the air felt like home. But then, I arrived in L.A. and yea, even the runway workers had shorts and t-shirts on. Not that I don't mind the warmth. It is grand. :) And also the 55mph speed limits. Mmmm... merry Christmas. :)

On a much, much, MUCH, more serious note... I had an awesome talk with a friend of mine who picked me up from the airport. He's a guy I met over the summer and only briefly was able to get to know. Anyway, one of the biggest things I got from our conversation was a thought he shared with me from a preacher he had heard on disc. The thought was... could we live our lives for God and His glory alone, sacrificing all we are for His sake, IF we knew that our destination would still be hell? Yea, take a minute for that to sink in. It's taken me a day and I still haven't totally grasped it.

More to come...

Goodbye Louisville...

So, for the first time ever, I'm leaving school on plane and am only allowed 2 suitcases and 1 carry-on. Rawr!
Can't lie, usually this wouldn't bug me. But I have to leave my guitar here! Argh. Even without it I'm still not sure how this will work, haha. I will have to let you know tomorrow when I arrive in that beautiful 70 degree weather. :)

There is one good thing about this (besides the change of temperature, that is). I have a 1 hr layover in Chicago. I actually will get to breathe Chicago air one last time before the year ends. Hallelujah!

Thats it. Good bye Louisville...I will see you again sometime next year God willing.

Forever a fan of everything you are minus the roads and drivers,
Daniel Webb

(picture taken by Jason...not myself)