Oooo, a visitor!

So, about that top 7's of '07...yea...definitely not happening. Partly because I lost all my music on my hard drive and really can't remember what I listened to this year, but mostly because I am incredibly lazy.

Tomorrow will mark the day of the first visitor I've had since we moved to California. Sweet! Luke is a good friend of mine from back home and he'll be coming out for a few days before school starts for him back in Chicago. Anddd thennnn, a couple days after he flies home Katie and I will be flying out to Louisville to pick up the Saturn. I know many of you wondered if we would make a stop in Chicago, but do to some planning issues it looks like we will be in Louisville for the full amount of our stay. We'll get in Friday night, and probably leave Sunday morning...though I would like to leave Monday or Tuesday if at all possible.

I was able to find some Mac software I had and get back a lot of what I had lost through Leopard which was great.

That's all for now I think... take care everybody.