3 down, 1 to go...

Well, 3 finals are down! Two of them went fantastically...the other one not so well but I still think I will have a good grade in the class haha. On the side here is me getting some studying done w/ Riddle and some friends from school. As always it's amazing to see how fast time has flown this semester! My last final is Thursday and it's a simple essay question. So basically, a fake final. :) In the meantime I'm relaxing and enjoying not having to stay up late doing homework, reading, or writing crazy papers. Most kids will be leaving this weekend but Katie and I will be staying at least until the first week of december. Please be praying for a job for me. I have 2 that I will be looking into that could keep me here an extra 2 weeks to make some extra money for next semester.

We had our chorale / worship band concert last Thursday and it was great! Everything went very well except for at one part we added some Scripture readings and unfortunately I forgot so right as the band was starting to read I counted in the next song and started playing and basically had my own 4-bar drum solo. :) It changed everything up though which was nice, haha! It was awesome to see how the band came together to play a song with the chorale we hadn't practiced with them until the day of the concert. And I definitely had an awesome time playing and already miss my drums.

But yea, thats about all for now. Soon students will be gone and I will be bored out of my mind. I plan on reading and playing guitar basically while I am here. Maybe some more recording? For those interested I have some live stuff up from a couple months ago online...

much <3

PS below are videos of our chorale concert and an intro movie i did for our missions class on the globalization of Christianity