Christ has held everything together...nothing is lost

Finals have ended, and the grace of Christ has never been more evident in my life! It is amazing to say, and even more amazing to truly believe it. All of my finals were last Thursday and I am pleased to say most of them were smashing. The only one I am worried about, of course, is Hebrew. At this point all I am worried about is passing so I can move on to Hebrew 2. Although I think I've forgotten a lot of it in this short week already... Since school has been out I've started a new job at Ruby Tuesday as a server. I've had about 5 days of computer training and some shadowing and Saturday I will have my first tables. Hopefully I don't spill too much... If this job works out well I will be staying in Louisville through most of break (except for Christmas) and getting an apartment with some friends here. We are hoping to have the paperwork for the apartment finalized next week because we have been running around trying to tie up odds and ends this week of different things they forgot to tell us that we needed for the application to go through and now they are closed for we wait.

Please pray for strength and wisdom on my behalf. I dearly need it. I feel inadequate in so many ways and feel I should be so much farther in life spiritually and mentally. Maybe I dropped the ball at some point...

I am also praying through how I would serve next summer. Be it at a summer camp in the states, as a ministry intern, or even overseas once again - which would be such a blessing!

I'll end with a quote I found on Justin Taylor's blog...

No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow.
It is only when they are behind us and done,
that we begin to find that there is a sweetness to be tasted afterwards,
and that the remembrance of unwelcome duties unhesitatingly done is welcome and pleasant.

Accomplished, they are full of blessing,
and there is a smile on their faces as they leave us.
Undone, they stand threatening and disturbing our tranquility,
and hindering our communion with God.

If there be lying before you any bit of work from which you shrink,
go straight up to it, and do it at once.
The only way to get rid of it is to do it.

-Alexander MacLaren (1826–1910), Scottish preacher

Finals are here...and I rock. ;)

It is 3:20am Eastern Standard Time and I am cranking away! While most students finished their last finals today, all of mine are due Thursday. Besides a few tests and a TON of Hebrew I need to study, I also had 5 papers to do. Two of which I finished yesterday, and one I JUST now finished. Praise the Lord!

Next on the list is God & Government. Chuck Colson is brilliant. And the great thing this book is so easy to read. I've loved the stories he's shared from the politics of the world. His points are simple and he doesn't waste time. Definitely my kind of writer.

Finally is the Closing of the American Mind. At first I loved this book...about halfway however I began to lose interest. Much of the writing becomes cluttered and difficult to understand if you do not follow the author very closely. I thought overall it was good though in pointing out cultural fallacies we have let slip by as a nation and now we are reaping the consequences.

Thursday night, sometimes around 4:30 pm I should be free at last! :)

I start my new job at Ruby Tuesday's Friday and will be serving on my own by Tuesday night. The Lord has been so gracious in providing all of my needs as of late. Even as the semester winds down. It looks I will be getting an apartment w/ some good friends here in the next month and trying to get as many hours as possible in at work. Hopefully I will head home for a little over a week at Christmas.

For now its back to my 2 remaining book reviews!
God bless you all...

Concert and finals!

Aletheia played w/ Chorale and the instrumental ensamble Thursday night and it was fantastic! God really blessed the night. Not to mention Bw3's after. :)

Now...finals! Oh man. Can't believe they're here! One week of the semester and I'm done for 2 WHOLE months!

McCain on SNL

I was pretty impressed to see Senator McCain on SNL the other night. I thought the skit was brilliant.


Greetings. :)

Last weekend Aletheia traveled to Chicago and my hometown (kinda), Naperville, IL. We had a blast! We were blessed to lead through worship just north of downtown Chicago Friday afternoon then we got to do some touristy things on Saturday.

Sunday morning we played for a church in Orland Park and that evening we returned to my home church for a full blown concert. It was great! Everything went so well and it was a blast to finally travel together as a group.

In other news I have recently been job searching and it appears I will be serving at Ruby Tuesday's pretty soon here. Which will mean I'll be living in Louisville for most of the winter break. Not quite sure how I feel about that yet, but God has worked things out more than once before so I'm not too worried...

School work is crazy. Pray that I would be diligent in Hebrew because it is only getting more difficult!

Enjoy the pics!