Semester closing!

Well, I have one "test" left on Friday and my second semester is no more! I can't believe how quickly its come. This semester has really been awesome. God's opened doors for ministry in music at our church and in the dorms with different guys on my hall. A lot has happened and I feel to try and go into detail over it all would be vain. I'll let pictures show how it went.

I come back to Chicago Friday after my last class and I'll be home for barely a week. We leave for Los Angeles on the 21st. I'm planning on being out there for at least a month and then coming back to Chicago to get ready for Czech.

In the meantime... please pray that I would still end strong. And that once I get back we would be quick in getting things packed and ready to leave. I still have a lot to prepare for cz and man am I getting excited for it!

That's all for now...


About said...
1:10 PM

Hey Webbers. Glad to see you're rocking the college casbah. I'm ditching facebook, but I'll keep in touch with you on here. I have a blogspot too (which you now have your own link on) at:

You can hit me up there any time you feel like it. Take it easy!

Michael Bare