The changing of times...

Classes have ended and all that is left are finals. It's only Saturday and most everyone has vacated the dorms for friends, family and home. Part of me wishes I could be gone as well but the tranquility overwhelms me. I don't think I've had a time of as much peace and quiet since the summer.

The Lord has brought me through a strange ride this semester and it is only the beginning. I want to put to words my thoughts of what has happened in my life this semester but I don't feel it possible. So many physical events, emotional stresses, character developments and changing seasons seem too many to asses respectfully.

They say your first year of college reveals who you are - rightfully so - away from comfort and the familiar there is nowhere to hide. Through my church, friends and classes I can see the pieces of God's puzzle for my life come together though I am still so unsure of where I am headed. Our high school group will split officially over the winter break and I am very eager to get back and start to work with the Jr. High. I've gotten to know a couple of the guys very well but at the same time I feel the fraility of my heart as it wonders what else is out there.

I have learned to be content with where I am. So many people here search for God's immediate will in the now..."should I take these classes, go to this church, talk to these friends, date this girl etc," but although these things are important His will is in the longrun. Its in our lives and how we run this race and if we are even running at all.

Next week I'm going to NYC w/ the family for Turkey Day before coming back for finals and heading home for almost 2 months. I'm excited to be home again but I think 2 months is too long. I need to find a job among other things and stay on my toes. I can tell next year (like this one) will be a year of incredible changes in my life. Trusting God sometimes only gets harder as He leads you on a twisting road that you can't even see - but I'm trying. Unfortunately I am full of more flaws than I have ever known and I am hopeless to change on my own. That is probably the biggest thing God has shown me this semester...He will take me as I am and not for who I could be. If you're going through a time of struggle right now I pray that thought will give you peace.