Attack of the Dogs

I had to do a cause and effect paper for English today and the class thoroughly enjoyed it so I thought I would share it with you all. It shows the lighter side of attending a Bible college. ;) We only have 8 days left of class before break and I'll post more soon.



Dan Webb
English Comp. 1
Cause and Effect Essay

Most people have witnessed someone or something being chased by a dog. I remember as a young boy watching a friend of mine being chased down the street by a dog that wasn’t even up to his ankles. I can think of a couple reasons for why a dog might chase you with the malicious intent of biting your leg off. A dog will chase you if you jump a fence landing in its territory, are carrying drugs, or you decide to pick up a rock and throw it at the dog’s face.

Imagine you are out with your closest friends and you have just completed the best TP job of all time on your youth pastor’s house. As you turn to leave the backyard a light in the house turns on and you hear the dreaded voice of your leader scream, “HEY!” The only logical route is through the backyards of the neighbors so without hesitation you take off. Three houses later you land on your feet and hear a bark. As you turn to face the dog you meet its eyes and realize there is no chain and there is no fence to block you in. The dog, in natural instinct to defend its territory, pursues you down the street and into the next neighborhood as your friends laugh out loud. Because you entered the land of the dog it thought best to escort you back to your own.

We all know not to do drugs. Mainly because of what they do to us and the negative effects they will always have on our lives. But there are still people who do not think it is enough to be concerned with your body. Today you have brought some drugs to help a friend who had been caught TP’ing the previous night, but something happens you did not expect. The principle of your school has authorized a random drug search in the main hallway and what better means of finding those drugs then a dog. You start to sweat as the dog comes within five people of yourself and you tell God if you make it out alive you will never do drugs again. Too bad God has already pre-destined this dog to find out and make you pay. Before the dog reaches the third person in front of you it lets our a tremendous bark and you take off towards the door. You make it across the street before you feel the sharp fangs sink into your leg. Perhaps if you had decided to share Jesus instead of drugs things would be different.

Jumping into the territory of a dog is an honest mistake and carrying drugs is a crime, but sometimes a person is just so stupid it is only inevitable. After school was over you saw a drug dog chase someone down the street before taking him out. You laugh with your friends because you all know that you are man enough to show any dog whose boss. Unfortunately for you your ego is now ten times the size of your head and as you pass a home with a dog in the front yard you tell your friends you will prove who is the real boss. You pick up a rock and throw it at the dog. In your minds-eye you hear the dog begin to whimper before it wobbles away in humble defeat; however, the bark of the dog quickly brings you back to reality as you turn to run from the dog while your friends lie on the ground laughing.

In conclusion there are many reasons for being chased by a dog like, invading its privacy, carrying drugs, and throwing random objects at its face. No one wants to be chased by a dog, so if at all possible please avoid any and all of these actions at all times.