"Well butter my butt..."

Tonight at dorm meeting we were welcome by Dr. Mohler...after relaying to us how he had struggled all day with finding a new and creative way to say welcome to us noobs on campus he shared his joy of how he found a picture of a welcome mat in a magazine he had recieved which read as follows... "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, look who's here!"

With that said you can only imagine my joy in being able to be taught by such a man and at this school. Not to say that Mohler makes the school - but it is a nice perk. ;) School continues to go well, so far not too much homework and I am still looking for a church. I visited a smaller church this past Sunday and I really enjoyed it. I'm considering it as one I would like to be at full time but I've decided to visit maybe 2 more before I make my call and continue praying.

Tomorrow I'm going to a big meeting about a possible advertising job and if that doesn't work I'll be applying for the school cafeteria or tech group.

Pray for my walk as its hard to seperate my devos from homework...but I love my homework!

Here are some pictures...I hope you enjoy them.