Happy New Year!

Happy new year friends! As you can probably tell, my feat of tackling Piper's book was short-lived. Although, I can honestly say I did read 5 chapters into the book.

Weeks have passed, and so have the time zones. I ended my time at home in L.A. well and have been back in Louisville since Dec. 30th. The Lord graciously provided good work hours for me literally the day after I got back here and got situated back into the new place.

It's been nice to be back and start to get the gears cranking that will be rolling into the spring semester here in about 2 weeks. Aletheia practice will begin actually in barely over a week so I am starting to brush up on the music and Hebrew I have so easily forgotten.

I got to bring in the new year with my church family here at a game night. It was one of the funniest things to be playing catchphrase w/ 30+ ppl including the pastor. Needless to say I had a great time and was greatly encouraged through prayer and the kindness of so many people I don't even know very well towards Katie and I.

More to come! Hopefully I will include pictures. ;) I need to get back into that...