School has gone very well so far. I dropped Hebrew to focus on my other classes because I knew being a week late into school it would be near impossible to make it without hindering my other classes. So, my language studies will most likely start next fall.
God's opened many more doors for music and ministry this semester. I'm playing drums with the Boyce worship band and we've already gotten to perform twice. I've also been able to play guitar in church and am getting more involved in the worship ministry since I've been meeting with our worship pastor. This has been a huge answer to prayer and is also influential in deciding what to minor in or if I might even change my major.
This weekend Katie and I got to come to Elizabeth town and go camping with 2 friends of ours who are sisters and stay with their family. We just got back from camping and we'll stay the rest of the weekend here before heading down to Atlanta on Monday where dad is working.
Thats about it on this end... God bless!
EDIT: here are some pics!